13 mayo 2024

el miércoles, inflación de EEUU

Goldman Sachs predice que podría subir otro 0,4%. Mala cosa…

Goldman sees April headline CPI +0.37% m/m, core +0.28%

+3.42% YoY, +3.61% YoY

And they are quite bearish Retail Sales..

Y se reducen las expectativas de bajada de tipos este año:

What do US companies CEOs think about the Fed's next moves?

The majority of US CEOs expect the Fed to cut rates just once this year, according to the April Conference Board CEO Confidence survey.

Out of 136 CEOs surveyed, 31% said they do not expect any rate cuts this year while 26% project 2 cuts.

Meanwhile, markets are pricing just 2 rate cuts this year as a base case with the first cut in September.

Markets have gone from pricing-in 6 rate cuts down to 1 and back up to 2 in just 4 months.

Más o menos es como quedaría:


PD: Hay que vivir con alegría y con esperanza. Que se note que Cristo resucitó…