Los despidos en Alemania continúan:
Germany, where large corporations are cutting more and more jobs. Today Thyssen Krupp Steel announced to cut about 11,000 jobs until 2030. The board aims to reduce personnel costs by about 10% on average.
Recently announced jobs cuts in Germany. This is just the top of the iceberg. Also each job eliminated at a large company triggers job cuts at various suppliers.
As none of Germany‘s structural issues is being addressed, more job cuts still to come.
The last time Germany had a period of sustained, negative GDP growth similar to now was in the early 2000s, when it was the "sick man of Europe." What got Germany out of that mess were labor market reforms that boosted competitiveness. Not industrial policy or big government...
Y eso que no han llegado los aranceles de Trump, algo que sí ocurrió anoche para México y Canadá…
PD: Ayer me nació la última nieta que esperaba este año. Le van a bautizar con el nombre de Coro, la patrona de San Sebastián. Hoy toca dar gracias a Dios por todo lo que nos da, y pedir por esta niña recién nacida. ¿Qué será de ella? ¿Qué hará con su vida?