22 mayo 2024

bullish sentiment

Investor allocations in US stocks have reached the highest share in history.

Households, mutual funds, pension funds, and foreign investors financial asset allocation in equities just hit 52%.

Since 2022, this percentage has increased by ~7%, even surpassing levels seen in the Dot-com bubble.

At the same time, allocation in debt instruments like bonds has dropped by ~8% to historic lows.

Meanwhile, the S&P 500 has just hit its 23rd all-time high this year and is up 29% since October 2023.

Bullish sentiment is incredibly strong.

Es la sensación de que los bonos no se han ajustado a la inflación (sobre todo en Europa) y que sigue sin haber una gran alternativa…

Y todo esto a pesar de que se han enfriado las expectativas de bajadas de tipos desde final del año pasado:

Entering the year, the bond market was pricing in 6-7 Fed rate cuts in 2024. Today: just 1-2 rate cuts.


PD : Dios pone casi todo, tú pones casi nada, pero Dios no puede poner su casi todo si tú no pones tu casi nada.