27 septiembre 2023

retroceso del SP500

The S&P 500 is now down 340 points, or 7.5%, since the Fed removed a recession from their forecast.

On July 26th, the Fed raised rates and said they were not longer expecting a recession.

The Fed marked the EXACT high in the S&P 500 which just hit its lowest levels since June.

Since then, rate cut expectations were pushed out by a year and corporate bankruptcies hit their highest levels since the pandemic.

Is the market doubting the Fed again?

Como sabes, en EEUU, la bolsa la han movido este año solo menos de una docena de valores:

2023 Total Returns...

The Enormous Eight...

$NVDA: +187%

$META: +148%

$TSLA: +98%

$AMZN: +50%

$GOOGL: +46%

$AAPL: +33%

$MSFT: +31%

$NFLX: +29%

Everyone Else...

S&P 500 Equal Weight ETF $RSP: +1%

S&P Small Cap ETF $IJR: -1%


PD: Sé constante, perseverante en tus propósitos. Forma tu voluntad para consolidar hábitos que luego sean virtudes. Nunca te rindas ni dejes de avanzar…